What to do if you lost a dog or cat in Chatham County

  1. Walk your neighborhood and talk to neighbors - Check around the area where the animal was last seen, talk to neighbors or anyone else in the immediate area. Most pets are found close to home. Your dog or cat has a strong sense of smell so leave food, bedding or other items that your pet knows (including your clothing) by your doorway.

  2. Post on social media - We recommend posting a photo of the pet and the location it was lost on the Facebook group Lost and Found Pets in Savannah, Georgia. This group is very active and has a large following and posting here will alert thousands of individuals in the area. You can also post the same information in neighborhood specific Facebook groups and Nextdoor.

  3. Check the Chatham 90 Found Pet Report page - Visit our Found Pets page to see if the someone found your pet and reported it to Chatham County.

  4. Alert your microchip company - Contact your pet’s microchip company to report the pet lost.

  5. File a report with Chatham County Animal Services - You should file a lost animal report with Chatham County Animal Services. This report acts as the official notification to the County. When filling out the report please specify if the pet is microchipped as it will help shelters reunite you with your pet.

  6. Visit Chatham County Animal Services in person - As often as you are able, you should visit Chatham County Animal Services at 7211 Sallie Mood Drive, Savannah, GA 31406 to look for your pet in person. CCAS is open to the public from 1:00 to 4:30 every day except Wednesday.

  7. IMPORTANT NOTE - If you are contacted by someone claiming to have your pet and you would like to arrange a neutral place to receive your pet, contact CCAS at (912) 652-6575 or adoptccas@chathamcounty.org to arrange a date/time to meet at Chatham County Animal Services. Never meet someone claiming to have your pet if you are uncomfortable with the arranged meeting place - safety first!